Return Address
Complete your return
When a return request has been accepted, it is time to pack your items and return them to us. You have 14 days to return your order to us. If 14 days have past and we have not received confirmation of postage, your order will be deemed accepted and any attempt to return after this will be rejected.
Unfortunately we do not offer free returns for unwanted items, you(the customer) are responsible to bear all shipping costs, and free to choose your own shipping provider to return your items. Many shipping providers have options to make it simpler, like free collections, or drop off at a nearby store, our recommendation would be Royal Mail with Tracking, as they have options for cheaper postage online, with free collection and label printing.
Once you are ready to return your items, please follow the instructions below.
- Please return all items in their original packaging intact, any damage to packaging may result in an incur cost.
- Pack the items you're returning. Please use a sturdy box and extra packing material if required.
- Choose a shipping provider that suits you. We recommend adding tracking for peace of mind. If asked for an email when purchasing your postage, please use
- Please use the return address below.
- Please include your return number on the outside of the packaging. Without this we may not be able to identify your return.
- Attach the label to the package. Cover or remove any old shipping labels.
- When you have a tracking number, please let us know by replying to this email.
Return Address
Please add your order number to the outside of your packaging
Skin Pixel
RETURN #_____________
Beaufort Road
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